Legalvision Ediscovery Services
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6 Ways Your Practice Benefits From E-Discovery

Electronic discovery, e-discovery or EDD, for electronic data discovery is essentially the collection, preparation, review and distribution of information that is stored electronically for legal purposes. Sounds overwhelming? It can be when you’re new to the process. EDD is actually becoming a highly specialized field. When you have experts in e-discovery working with your firm to set up data storage, you may see many advantages:

  1. Handling complex projects more efficiently. A well-organized database makes finding information much easier. All parties can access information from anywhere. The team doesn’t have to have access to paperwork that can be bulky and difficult to share.
  2. E-discovery blends the law with technology. Collecting and processing e-data is complex, but with a good workflow, it can be accomplished.
  3. Stay ahead of the learning curve to be more prepared. Getting into e-discovery before it gets older gives your firm an advantage over smaller firms that haven’t embraced the technology.
  4. Annotation features ensure collaboration. When documents go through many hands, it is difficult to remember who made what change and why. With annotation features, it’s easy to reference.
  5. Auto-redaction features. Legal teams can ensure that privileged information isn’t shared. It takes time to manually redact information and some may be missed.
  6. Data audits save time. Transparency is vital, but can be extremely time-consuming. Using advanced search features, it’s easy to find data.

E-discovery is an emerging technology that needs to be structured correctly from the start to allow it to expand with your firm. Legal Vision Group brings expertise to this specialized field beginning with planning your database, executing it and finding solutions to your problems once its up and running.


No matter how complex your project is, we can help you with the services you need to be efficient and stay within your budget. Contact us for a free, no obligation data analysis.